14 Mar Heaven Sent
One of the biggest mistakes that I made in my life was buying a used SUV from a private seller. The car had passed the test drive around the block with flying colors, so I never suspected what was yet to come. I paid the seller in cash, got my title, and happily drove my car home. The next day, the check engine light came on, so I took it to a local car mechanic. After a few days had passed, I called the shop to get a diagnosis, but no one answered the phone. After a few more days of the M.I.A. car mechanic, I had a friend drive me to the shop.
The shop was closed. There was a sign taped on the office door in big red letters that said: The owner died, please call this number if you have a car in the shop. I could see my car parked in the garage through one of the bay windows. I immediately called the number and spoke to the owner’s son, who told me that he could do nothing to fix my car but he waived any fees. I also learned that my car was the last one that his father had worked on. Was it a coincidence that the owner had died after working on my SUV? Did I buy a vehicle cursed with bad luck? A sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach slid into home base.
After I got my car back, I took it to another car mechanic, and he revealed to me after plugging in the VIN that my SUV came up on the Car Fax as true miles unknown, which meant that he couldn’t resell it. He also said it had a lot of rust on the bottom; it might have been in a flood situation. Yes, indeed, I had bought a lemon, and was stuck with it; not just any kind of lemon, though, a cursed and rusty lemon with a check engine light that always stayed on despite numerous attempts to fix it because of the complex fuel system. But I had to make do since I had just started my own LLC and didn’t have enough in my budget for anything other than some routine car maintenance.
Then the pandemic hit a few years later. At the same time, my car was overdue for inspection but it would never pass, and it wasn’t worth getting an old car like mine fixed. The only answer was to buy a new car but I didn’t have a clue as to how I was going to manage it. Truly, I was between a rock and a hard place in Lemon Alley.
So, I started praying for help every day. Since God requires us to not only pray or ask for what we want but also to take action, that’s what I did. I said all kinds of prayers and affirmations and did many types of manifesting techniques—any that I could find. One of our powers from God is our imagination, our ability to create images. The other is the power of speech, to speak something into existence, both mentally and verbally.
My favorite technique was imagining that it was raining money all around me, collecting in huge piles. I also imagined that all of this money had personalities and came knocking on my door, wanting to come inside and live with me in my home. This made me feel that money was my friend. Every time I caught a thought of lack I would quickly deny it, and then say, God is my infinite supply, and avalanches of abundance pour down upon me, under grace and in a perfect way.
I began looking online for cars at dealerships (no private sellers for me) and imagined myself driving in a new car. I got into the feeling of having it now, not sometime in the future. And I always imagined money flowing into my home, piling up in tidy stacks in my closet, dresser drawers, and under my bed.
During this time, my stepfather died after a long illness. A month later, my mother asked me to stop by her house. “I know you need a car,” she had said. “And I want to help you out.” She had given my stepfather’s truck to my brother and wanted to give me something too. She reached into the side door of the dark Italian sideboard in the dining room and pulled out several thick envelopes stuffed with cash that she had hidden away. We counted all of it, and it totaled $14,700. It was more than enough to buy a used car. Overjoyed and grateful, I gave her a big hug and thanked her.
When I got home, I spread some of the green bills on the dining room table and gazed at the faces of Ben Franklin, Ulysses S. Grant, and Andrew Jackson, staring back at me with their enigmatic smiles. It struck me that my praying and manifesting rituals of money coming into my home had manifested, just like I had imagined it. I had gotten my demonstration. I thanked God repeatedly.
I went to bed with a big smile on my face that evening, with dreams of shiny new cars dancing in my head. The very next day, I took out my list of car dealers that I had curated and drove to the local car dealer that was at the top of the list; it was the same dealer where my parents had bought their cars.
Within a few hours, I was driving home in my new car, a Toyota Camry. I felt like I was in a dream … was this truly mine? No more rusty-lemon-car for me, I sang at the top of my lungs.
I had to stop at a light that had just turned red. A large white van pulled up alongside me. I glanced at the logo painted on the side of the van, and in blue letters, flanked with angel wings, it said: HEAVEN SENT.
I blinked. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing! This was a clear message that a Divine hand was involved in this blessing. We can’t always know how or when a prayer will be answered and, in what way, but for me, I know that it will; my faith was restored. My big lemon had turned into some tasty lemonade.
Reconnect to the Incredible Power of Spirit Animals!
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