Tarot Guidance

Readings with Shelley

Are you looking for loving and compassionate guidance?

Unleash empowering answers to your pressing questions right now.

Are you having trouble making a decision?
Not sure what the future holds?

Obtain an epic Eagle Eye perspective of your current reality.

Are you ready for fearless self-awareness?

Embrace your secret inner wisdom to transform into a thriving version of YOU.

Let me help you like I’ve inspired hundreds of others.

Unique one-on-one Tarot Readings are offered over the phone or on ZOOM, and I have several great specialty readings too.

Just scroll down and choose the option that best suits your needs or budget.

I’m excited to work with you!

Tarot Readings

tarot reading 60 minutes


The first half of the reading starts out with the general atmosphere surrounding you, including any messages from your Spirit Guides, and look at the possible futures that are being created. In the second half, I will answer any questions that you have and do a deep dive into your main concerns or desired outcomes. The General Reading covers six months into the future. Please bring your questions (for second half of the General Reading) and I will answer all of them! A final wrap-up will end the reading on a beautiful note of clarity, inspiration, and healing. Price: $80. This reading is for 45 minutes.


What are they thinking and feeling? What are their intentions? Will they come back? Will I find a soul mate? This reading will reveal what is happening in your love relationships or any relationship that you may have—partners, friends, family, or coworkers, and explore each relationship and the issues or concerns you may have, and what the future holds. And if you are looking for romance or a soul mate, we will see who is coming on the horizon! Price: $50. This reading is for 30 minutes.


What career should you pursue? Will this project or business opportunity be a success? Should you take this job offer? Is it time for a change? Will you get a promotion? What is your life purpose? This reading will take a look at all work or career related questions and give you the clarity you need to move forward with important life goals, projects, and decisions such as a career change, a big move, your soul purpose, finances, and more. Price: $50. This reading is for 30 minutes.

tarot reading 45 minutes


This reading starts out with the general atmosphere surrounding you, including any messages from your Spirit Guides, and look at the possible futures that are being created. Near the end of the reading, I will answer a few questions that you may have. The General Reading covers six months into the future. Please bring your questions! A final wrap-up will end the reading on a beautiful note of clarity, inspiration, and healing. Price: $50. This reading is for 30 minutes.


This all-inclusive and detailed reading takes a peek into your future for the year ahead starting with your birthday! It starts with the central theme of the year, then does a deep dive into each area of your life represented by the the 12 houses of Astrology, as well as the major themes for each month. This reading concludes with messages from your Spirit Guides. Price: $100. This reading is for 60 minutes.


Will I get a better paying job? What is the future of my relationship? Will I move? Will I win the court case? Will my health improve? When will my life change? This reading is a questions only reading and it’s a great way to focus on a few topics to get in-depth answers quickly. Bring three to five questions to the session. Price: $50. This reading is for 30 minutes.

Specialty Readings & Sessions

email tarot reading


Are you looking for guidance for one area of your life? Do you need an answer for a perplexing problem that has been troubling you? This enlightening reading will delve into one topic of your choice and provide you in-depth answers quickly.  Price: $30. This reading is for 20 minutes.


Do you feel perplexed by your own dreams? Do you want to understand the dream symbols and unlock the hidden meaning of any dream? Would you like to learn powerful techniques that will increase your dreaming potential? Your subconscious mind stores an enormous amount of information about your life and through your dreams it releases hidden emotions, feelings, fears, and desires so that you can gain insight and healing. Your dreams can also be a vehicle for your Higher Self, Spirit Guides and departed loved ones to contact you. Two options are available: #1) A 60-minute session for $65. #2) An email interpretation for $30 (1 dream only).

spiritual coaching


This illuminating and life changing session will provide you with true guidance and support to help you on your own journey of self-discovery and Awakening. I will dive deep into your current situation and come up with grounded, practical solutions to your current challenges, whether it’s spiritual, financial, work, career, relationships, or health. We will also look at any messages coming from your dreams and any synchronicities you may have.  Price: $75. This reading is for 45 minutes.


Are you repeatedly experiencing the same type of negative situations that don’t seem to end? It’s like you’re stuck in a loop, and nothing ever changes; it’s as if you keep dialing up the same kind of people, problems, or situations no matter what you do. This unique session may be able to help! It involves going into a guided meditation to discover who you were in a past life and how and why it is affecting you in this life, then doing a modified form of EFT (emotional freedom technique) to clear away the emotions. Price: $75. This reading is for 60 minutes.


Pick the type of reading that you want, then book a reading. If you have any questions use the CONTACT page. At the time of the appointment, we meet on the Phone or on ZOOM to discuss your most pressing questions and concerns and I will use my Tarot and other decks to share my insights during your reading. Specialty Readings will be slightly different, depending on the type of service being offered.


I live on the East Coast, and work Monday through Friday (12 pm – 5 pm EST) and some evenings (7pm – 9 pm EST). If none of these times works for you, I can adjust my schedule to your needs.


During your reading, I will look into the energies surrounding you for the the next 6 months (unless it’s the birthday reading). I will provide you with powerful insights, guidance, and the support that you need to accomplish your goals and help you on your life’s journey. I will explore the possibilities and potentials and help you to navigate the current terrain of your life.

I use my Psychic Gifts and Intuition, along with the Tarot and Oracle Cards: Native American, Angel, and Lenormand. I can provide you with details on any situation. I don’t judge, and will give you honest and compassionate guidance and assist you with any challenge. I will provide you with accurate insight and clarity on any topic, including jobs, money, romance, any kind of relationship issue, spiritual guidance, and more. I’m straightforward, fast, considerate, and kind.





Cancellations must be made 24 hours prior to your scheduled appointment for rescheduling or 100% Refund. Cancellations made less than 24 hours prior to your scheduled appointment will be refunded 50% or must be rescheduled within three weeks.


The services of Shelley Shayner, LLC are not a substitute for physical or psychological diagnosis and treatment, and are not intended to replace your doctor or any other health care professional.


You must be at least 18 years of age to use Shelley Shayner’s Intuitive Services.


Shelley is an Intuitive Guidance Coach. She is a Psychic and an expert Tarot Reader, Energy Healer, Reiki Master, and a Dream Expert. She can relay messages directly from Spirit. She was born with visionary gifts but didn’t develop them until she went through a ‘dark night of the soul’ experience. Spirit called and she answered! She then went on a Spiritual Journey that blew her socks off! She spent over 25 years developing her psychic gifts through training with teachers and experts in spiritual and energy modalities, educational classes, intense self-study, and experience. She will give you compassionate insight, guidance, and the support that you need to help you accomplish your goals, or to live your dream. She knows that we all get stuck and confused sometimes, and it can be a blessing to get answers on a current situation so that you can make the wisest choice.


Her cards are connected to Spirit, because she is a true channel for Higher Frequencies. This allows her to relay information directly so that it cuts through the surface to reveal the truth of a situation. She is honest and will tell you what she sees, but she is also compassionate and very understanding. Her goal is to provide you with answers, clarity and/or solutions. She can see what is happening in your past, present and future as well as the energies/emotions surrounding the situation that may be preventing you from moving forward or getting what you want.


She uses the Tarot, as well as Lenormand, but she also uses oracle cards, such as Native American Spirit and Animal Medicine cards because she’s very connected to that energy. She has other areas of expertise that she can help you with as well, including, meditation, prayer, manifesting, animal totems, dream interpretation and more. Feel free to ask her about these other methods and practices during our session and she will be happy to include them for you!


She can provide details on any situation and specializes in Relationships, Career and Life Changes. She won’t judge and will give you honest and compassionate guidance to your questions and concerns, or to assist you with any challenge. She will provide you with accurate insight and clarity on any topic, including career, money, romance, relationships, spiritual guidance and more. She’s straightforward, considerate, and kind. Do you seek meaningful answers about your relationships? Want to know what he/she is thinking or feeling? Are you searching for the next career move? Are you having trouble making decisions? Need answers or guidance to help make your dreams come true? Let her help you find the answers.
