The Third Eye

The Third Eye

Your Third Eye is located in your pineal gland and governs your capacity to visualize a goal or to think symbolically. The Third Eye has command over your dream state, imagination, sudden flashes of insight, and visions. It’s a V.I.P. residing in your brain!

This eye is often referred to as the spiritual eye by the Yogis from India and has also been referenced by Christian and Hindu religious texts as the eye of God, the single eye, the hidden eye, or the eye of intuition. The Third Eye rules over the sixth chakra, and when this chakra is open, you can follow your intuition. But if the sixth chakra is blocked and the third eye is closed, you won’t be able to hear the voice of your intuition.

Situated in the center of your brain, between the right and left hemispheres, your pineal gland contains rods and cone photoreceptor cells; it is an actual eye. If you look in the mirror, it is located in the middle of your forehead, at the point right between your eyebrows.

The specific psychic ability associated with the Third Eye is clairvoyance. With clairvoyant sight, you will be able to see colors, and images, have visions, or tap into other dimensions. With practice, you might be able to see Spirits and Angels, like a true clairvoyant.

Meditating on the Third Eye regularly will strengthen your intuition, increase your clairvoyance, and help you to see pictures in your mind. Essentially, the Third Eye is a tool that allows you to gain access to higher energies, which have a different frequency and vibration than the material world. Your physical eyes cannot see something moving at that speed or bandwidth, because it is located in the invisible spectrum of light. It is your Third Eye that can see these frequencies and that’s the eye we want to get working again. The good news is that everyone has a Third Eye and with a little effort you can learn to open it.


Five reasons why your Third Eye might be closed


  1. If you feel that you can’t hear the voice of your intuition, or you are having difficulty getting clear guidance from within, you could have a block to your Third Eye. Your intuition is your internal GPS. A struggle here could indicate that there may be a subconscious fear of your wisdom.

  2. An inability to remember your dreams, or having poor dream recall can reveal a barrier. Dreams are manufactured in your subconscious mind and experienced through your Third Eye. This area of your brain is the place of your imagination and gives you the ability to see images or to have clear visions, as well as experience vivid dreams, and the ability for dream recall.

  3. Fears and doubts about your intuitive abilities can create obstacles and block your Third Eye from working correctly. Also, having others invalidate your feelings can have a negative impact and make you feel disconnected from your true Self—and we don’t want that! Learning to trust what you ‘see’ with your Third Eye or intuition is key.

  4. A hormonal imbalance could be the issue of a blocked Third Eye. Firstly, if you have trouble with sleep or insomnia, the pineal gland affects the production of melatonin in your body, which regulates your sleep cycles. If you struggle with sleeping, a weakened Third Eye may be the problem. Getting enough sleep or spending too much time in front of devices (unnatural light) could be the culprit. The pineal gland is also involved in the production of serotonin, the happiness hormone, and can affect your moods. If your pineal gland is not functioning at its ideal state, there could be an energetic block, which could make you feel depressed, anxious, and disconnected. Doing breathwork and meditation can help.

  5. Diet cannot be overlooked as an important factor affecting the pineal gland. The S.A.D (Standard American Diet) of processed, chemical-laden, nutrient-deficient food can effectively block your Third Eye, especially over time. Having a high vibrational diet of clean, fresh, and nutrient-dense foods will help to clear any energetic blockages, so switching to a healthier lifestyle will go a long way towards increasing your intuition, while also purifying your Third Eye. Also, there is the issue of calcification of the pineal gland due to heavy metals and fluoride in the water and in products that you use or come in contact with. A calcified pineal gland will create a blockage but you can decalcify the pineal gland by taking certain supplements and eating specific foods. There is plenty of information available online that can point you in the right direction if you think this is the case.


A Simple Meditation

The best method for getting started with opening the Third Eye is using meditation and visualization. Find a comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed for at least 15 minutes. Get into a seated position and with your eyes closed, gently lift your gaze, without straining, to the Third Eye, which is at the point between your eyebrows. Focus on your Third Eye while breathing slowly and rhythmically (long, deep breathing). You can also repeat a mantra mentally if you wish. For example: My Third Eye is open and clear, I trust my intuition and act on its guidance, or My Third Eye is open and I am seeing spiritual truth. During the meditation, imagine your Third Eye-opening like a real eye, and see it bathed in the colors of gold, indigo, and white.


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Shelley Shayner

Shelley a Tarot Expert, Spiritual Life Coach, Reiki Master, Dream Expert, healer and teacher. And, she is an award-wining artist and a published author; she is the Artistic Mystic. Shelley is inspired by the mystical and beautiful, especially in nature. Everything she creates is infused with her creative vision and Spirit; be it in a painting, a story, or a healing. Creating a little piece of Heaven on Earth is her mission.

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