Drumming The Shamanic Way

Drumming The Shamanic Way


Shamanic drumming is one of the original methods of meditation because the drum makes it very easy to enter into an altered state of consciousness. When we listen to the steady beat of a drum (120 beats per minute) we can enter into a light trance, which produces alpha brain waves that give us access to our imagination. A medium trance state will induce theta brain waves, which helps tremendously with meditation, creativity, intuition, and manifesting. Some studies have shown a link to improved immune system response and lower depression, confusion, and fatigue. Drumming releases endorphins, which will bring about a sense of well-being and joy.

The rhythmic energy of a drumbeat synchronizes the right and left hemispheres of your brain; this will make your intuition stronger. It also can induce deep relaxation, thereby reducing anxiety and stress. The latest research concludes that stress is a major contributor to most diseases and a shortened life span.

If you have a heartbeat, you can use a drum. The drum is linked directly to the heartbeat of our Earth Mother and your own heart, which connects us to everything; it brings our minds, hearts, and souls together in the ‘now’ space. Besides the health benefits of using a drum, it is also the perfect tool for Journeying to find your Spirit Animal in the Lower World or to connect with a Spirit Guide in the Upper World.

Shamanic Drum Journey MP3The drum and its soothing beat can also be used to help you get grounded and present or to release negative energy and emotions for yourself or another. It can also be used for cutting energetic cords and attachments. When we hold onto our negative feelings, they can form blockages of energy that affect our health and well-being. Old traumas can also be reached with the drum because the vibrations of the drum can reach deep into the cellular memories of your life to trigger a release. This method is often referred to as Drum Healing. Before you start, set your intentions and call in any Spirit Helpers, and then have the person stand with their eyes closed (if it is yourself, you can sit or stand) as you beat the drum, keeping a distance of two feet from the person. Start with the front, then the back, and around the sides, and back around again, drumming continuously for about ten minutes, or what feels right.  


How to Use a Shamanic Drum

To start, take the beater of your drum in your hand and do a slow, rhythmic beat anywhere on your drum. Walk the beater across the surface of the drum to different areas and listen to the different sounds the drum makes. Next, try a heartbeat rhythm: thump, thump. Rest. Thump, thump. Rest.

You can pick up the speed and intensity by drumming hard with some fast beats; notice the power of your drum and how you feel afterward. Do you feel energized? Do you feel a rush of emotion or a release?

Now, slow it down and allow the beater to brush the surface of the drum for soft beats. Notice how you feel.

Once you have found a nice steady beat that you can keep, and you feel comfortable and connected to your drum, you can go on a shamanic Journey to find your Spirit Animal or Spirit Guide, if you choose to do so. Otherwise, continue drumming at a steady beat for at least ten minutes to get the right and left hemispheres of your brain synchronized or to do a Drum Healing.

The following is a drumming technique for doing a Shamanic Drum Journey to find your Spirit Animal or Spirit Guide. The average Journeying time is 20 minutes, but you can do a longer or shorter Journey. The Shamanic Drum Journey has three specific drumbeats: The Journey beat, the calling beat and the return beat. The journey drumbeat is a steady rhythmic beat that is the predominant beat for the Journey. It’s of medium speed and a steady beat. You can choose what speed you prefer for the drumbeat after you can hold a steady rhythm for ten minutes or longer.

The calling drumbeat happens at the beginning of the Journey and then again near the end. The purpose of the calling beat is to signal to the Journeyer what stage of the Journey they are experiencing, so they know what to do at each stage. The rhythm of the calling beat goes like this: Thump, thump, thump, thump… PAUSE for two or three seconds. Then repeat this cycle three more times for a total of four calling beats.

The return drumbeat is the final drumbeat and its purpose is to guide you back to your world, the place where you started. The return beat always happens at the end of your Journey. It is a steady, rhythmic beat similar to the Journey beat but slightly faster (medium fast) and a little softer, and it lasts for a few minutes. When the drum stops beating, you should be done with your Journey and back to where you started.


For example:

  1. Begin the calling beat for one minute to signal the start of the Journey. As a visual, you are standing before your favorite tree when this beat is underway.
  2. Next, start the journey beat and continue for 15 minutes. When the Journey drumbeat begins, enter the hole in your tree and travel through the tunnel, and then explore the Lower World to find your Spirit Animal and engage with it or the Upper World to find a Spirit Guide.
  3. The calling beat is to signal that the Journey is coming to an end; continue this drumbeat for 1-3 minutes. This will give you time to prepare to leave the Lower/Upper World.
  4. Conclude your Journey by drumming the return beat for 2-5 minutes. Enter the tunnel and travel through it until you are returned to your tree and back to your world.

NOTE: Start with a short session of 10 minutes for your first attempt. My sessions usually last 20 minutes, but you can go for as long as 30 minutes. You can hear examples of drum journeying on YouTube videos or other websites. I have an MP3 of Shamanic Drumming, see the button below (SHAMANIC DRUM JOURNEY MP3).


How to Connect to Your Drum

You can purchase a shamanic drum from someone who is an expert or take a workshop or class and make your own. You can even purchase a child’s toy drum if you don’t want to spend the money on an authentic drum, but if you continue to use it to do journeying, I would suggest getting an authentic drum. Some people paint their Totem animal or other spiritual symbols on the drum and others leave it plain. I have both.

Once you have your new drum, sit with it and admire the craftsmanship or shape and feel of the drum. Wrap your arms around it and hug the drum; this will allow the essence of the drum to connect with you. Give thanks to the animals or materials and people who made the drum.

Your drum will become a powerful extension of yourself; it is a sacred instrument. The drum itself is a circle, which represents the feminine aspect. The beater represents the masculine aspect.

If you choose, you can connect with your drum by journeying to find the Spirit of the drum. If that isn’t your thing, you can do a ceremony of blessing to ask the Spirit of the drum to connect with you. No matter what you do, blessing the drum is an important part of the process.


Lakota Shaman, Wallace Black Elk, said, “When you pray with that drum, the spirits hear that drum, it echoes. They hear this drum, and they hear your voice loud and clear.”







Reconnect to the Incredible Power of Spirit Animals!

Learn how to meet your own Spirit Animal in Discover Your Spirit Animal by Shelley Shayner



Shelley Shayner

Shelley a Tarot Expert, Spiritual Life Coach, Reiki Master, Dream Expert, healer and teacher. And, she is an award-wining artist and a published author; she is the Artistic Mystic. Shelley is inspired by the mystical and beautiful, especially in nature. Everything she creates is infused with her creative vision and Spirit; be it in a painting, a story, or a healing. Creating a little piece of Heaven on Earth is her mission.

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